THE FATHER SPEAKS Chapter 12 5-28-87 GOD SPEAKS MY ANGER VS 2-6 MY LIGHT/NATURE OF GOD VS 6 GOD DOES NOT HAVE MAN’S LIMITATION VS 29 THE LIMB NEEDS CUT OFF VS 39-42 Message By Jesus The Nature Of Man And God vs 50 Man Is Out Of Order vs 57 Man And Woman vs 67 Man Made In Image Of God, But He Is The Temple Of God vs 77 1.I COME TO YOU. I COME WITH ALL MY POWER. I COME WITH ALL MY GLORY. I COME TO YOU TO TELL YOU THINGS, TO TELL YOU WHAT I PROMISED YOU. I TELL YOU THESE THINGS FOR ALL MAN TO HEAR. 2.I WILL NOT BE BAITED BY YOU. I WILL NOT BE QUESTIONED BY YOU. I DO NOT SIT AND LISTEN TO QUESTIONS, AND GIVE ANSWERS TO YOU TO STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH FOR I HAVE GIVEN YOU ALL AND YOU MUST LOOK INTO YOU TO FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 3.I ANGER AT YOU. I ANGER AT MYSELF. I DO NOT, DO NOT STOP LOVING YOU FOR YOU ARE THE ONE I CREATED IN MY LOVE. 4.MY ANGER STRETCHES ALL OVER THE GALAXY, FOR I AM ANGRY AT THE OTHERS WHO BREACH THE FAITH ALSO. 5. FOR THEY DO UNDERSTAND. THEY DO KNOW MY POWER. AND THEY WANT MY POWER UNTO THEM. THEY WANT ALL THE POWER UNTO THEM. AND THEREFORE THEY BREACH THE FAITH, AND THEY COME UNTO ME. 6. FOR THEY SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, AND WHAT YOU HAVE HAD. AND YOU HAVE NOT BELIEVED AND YOU HAVE ENDURED. AND THEY SEE ALL OF THIS. THEY, IN TURN, BREACH THE FAITH AND WANT WHAT I HAVE GOT, WHEN THEY HAVE ALL WHAT THEY WOULD EVER NEED, WHAT THEY SHOULD ONLY WANT. BUT THEY DO NOT, DO NOT USE IT WISELY FOR THEY HAVE BEEN TEMPTED OTHERWISE. 7.ALL THINGS WILL COME BACK TO ORDER. ALL THINGS IN THE HEAVENS AND IN MY PLANES, IN MY SCOPE OF ALL THAT I HAVE AND ALL THAT I AM AND ALL THAT I HAVE DONE WILL COME INTO ORDER FOR IT CANNOT EXIST 0UT OF ORDER. 8.FOR ORDER IS THE THING, THAT ALL MAN MUST REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE MUST BE IN,TO ENDURE. IT MUST BE IN ORDER TO ENDURE FOR ALL TIME AND ETERNITY. 9.FOR BEING OUT OF ORDER IS NOT, I SAY UNTO YOU, IS NOT WHAT THE PURPOSE IS OF ALL CREATION. FOR ORDER IS THE PURPOSE. ORDER IS THE BEING. ORDER IS THE THING, IN ALL THE UNIVERSE, THAT KEEPS IT ALL TOGETHER. AND ORDER MUST BE MAINTAINED. 10.SOMEDAY, YOU WILL KNOW IN TIME TO COME, THAT ORDER IS NECESSARY. ORDER IS PRIMARY. ORDER MUST BE MAINTAINED. 11.AND TO DO THIS, I MUST KEEP THE PROMISES I MADE TO YOU. I WILL KEEP THOSE PROMISES. I WILL KEEP THE ONE PR0MISE OUT OF TOTAL JOY AND LOVE. I WILL KEEP THE OTHER PROMISE OUT OF TOTAL DISPAIR, TOTAL PAIN, BUT I KEEP IT TO KEEP THE ORDER FOR IT MUST BE. 12.FOR WHEN I CREATED YOU, I DID NOT CREATE YOU TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. 13.I CREATED YOU TO LEARN. 14.I CREATED YOU TO LOVE. 15.I CREATED YOU TO BE MASTER OF ALL THINGS. 16. AND I CREATED YOU TO SIT BY ME TO DO THINGS, TO DO THINGS THAT I COULD EXPERIENCE THROUGH YOU. FOR I HAVE LEARNED FROM YOU. YOU HAVE LEARNED FROM ME. 17.BUT THE THINGS I HAVE LEARNED FROM YOU, I HAVE TO CAST OUT! FOR YOU DO NOTHING BUT PULL ME DOWN. 18.YOU PULL ME DOWN. YOU PUT LIMITATIONS ON ME. YOU DO ALL THINGS TO ME FOR WHEN YOU DO ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU DO, YOU, IN TURN, TAKE AWAY FROM ME. FOR I HAVE MADE YOU. I HAVE PUT THE SPARK IN YOU. I HAVE, IN TURN, GIVEN YOU ALL. AND I HAVE BESTOWED MY LIGHT ON YOU. AND YOU HAVE TAKEN IT, AND COVERED IT AND MOVED IT, AND PUSHED IT, AND MADE IT SMALLER AND SMALLER, AND SMALLER. AND MY POWER HAS GROWN WEAKER AND WEAKER AND WEAKER, BECAUSE I HAVE TO GIVE YOU MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE. 20.FOR YOU DO NOT SEE THAT THE ENERGY THAT I GIVE YOU IS BEING SIPHONED OFF BY THE OTHER, BY THE ONE-BEHIND-THE-VEIL THAT FIGHTS ME CONSTANTLY, WHO TRIES TO GAIN EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE, AND TO CONTROL THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AND HEAVENS, AND CONTROL IT IN THE MANNER THAT HE BELIEVES IS RIGHT FOR HIMSELF. AND HE WOULD RULE AS A TYRANT OVER YOU ALL!! ! 21.HE WOULD CONTROL YOU ALL. HE WOULD MAKE YOU BOW DOWN TO HIM. HE WOULD ENSLAVE YOU ALL IN HIS PERVERSION. 22.SO WHEN HE COMES TO YOU, I MUST FIGHT HIM. I MUST FIGHT HIM THROUGH YOU. 23.AND ALL YOU WHO GO UNTO HIM, YOU SUCK MY ENERGY. YOU SUCK IT, AND SUCK IT, AND SUCK IT UNTIL I CANNOT GIVE ANYMORE. AND THE TIME HAS COME THAT I WILL NOT GIVE ANYMORE FOR I HAVE NOT IT TO GIVE TO YOU. 24.FOR I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SUCK MY ENERGY OFF TO THE POINT THAT I CANNOT CONTROL WHAT I MUST CONTROL. 25. I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SUCK MY ENERGY OFF SO I CANNOT CREATE THE THINGS THAT I MUST CREATE. 26. I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SUCK MY ENERGY OFF SO THAT THE FIRE DOES GET LOW, AND THE LIGHT IN THE SKY GETS LOW, AND IT CEASES TO BE. OR, IT GETS SO LOW THAT MAN CANNOT SEE IT. OR IT GETS SO LOW THAT THE HEAVENS DO NOT SEE IT. 27.FOR WHEN THIS TYPE OF THING OCCURS, WHEN I START TO GET LOW, THE HEAVENS START TO WEEP. ALL THINGS IN ALL CREATIONS START TO WEEP, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT I AM IN PAIN, THAT I AM HURTING, THAT I AM FULL OF SORROW, AND I AM FULL OF ANGER. 28.FOR I HAVE THESE THINGS IN ME. I HAVE ALL LOVE IN ME. I HAVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE. DO NOT PUT LIMITATIONS ON ME. FOR I AM ALL. I AM EVERYTHING. I AM IN THE AIR, IN THE SKY, IN THE GROUND. I AM IN YOU. 29.THE LIMITATIONS YOU PUT UPON YOURSELF, PUT UPON YOURSELF, BUT DO NOT PUT UPON ME. FOR I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO BE DONE. FOR I WILL NOT PUT YOUR LIMITATIONS UPON MYSELF FOR I CAN DO A N Y T H I N G. ANYTHING THAT THERE IS, I CAN DO. 30.SO REMEMBER THIS, REMEMBER MY CHILDREN, REMEMBER YOUR FATHER IS TOTAL. 31.REMEMBER YOUR FATHER IS TOTAL IN ALL RESPECTS. 32.REMEMBER THAT YOUR FATHER DOES PROMISE YOU THINGS, DOES BESTOW THINGS, DOES GIVE YOU ALL THE GOOD AND THE LOVE THAT THERE IS IN ALL ETERNITY; IN ALL THE HEAVENS AND ALL THE HEAVENS, HEAVENS, HEAVENS. 33.BUT HE DOES GIVE YOU THE OTHER ALSO, THE OTHER CHANCE. 34.HE GIVES YOU THE CHANCE OF EVERLASTING LIFE, THROUGH HIM, THROUGH MY SON, UNTO ME, THROUGH THE ONE WHO SITS IN BETWEEN. HE GIVES YOU ALL OF THIS. I GIVE YOU ALL OF THIS. MY FATHER'S FATHER GIVES YOU ALL OF THIS. 35.I ALSO GIVE YOU EVERLASTING DEATH, WHICH IS THERE AND WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU. FOR WHEN YOU DO THE THINGS THAT YOU DO, YOU CANNOT PREVAIL. YOU WILL DIE. AND YOU WILL DIE FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. 36.THIS I HAVE /> AAND THESE THINGS I HAVE PROMISED TO GIVE YOU, AND REWARDS I WILL GIVE YOU. 37.IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO DO WITH WHAT YOU WANT. THESE THINGS I HAVE PROMISED YOU ALL. AND I WILL KEEP MY PROMISES TO YOU. I HAVE ALWAYS KEPT MY PROMISES. YOU HAVE NOT RECOGNIZED THEM. YOU HAVE CAST THEM OUT. 38.OOOHHH, HOW I L 0 V E YOU.... OOHH HOW I PAIN!! OOHH HOW I HURT.... OOHH WHAT YOU DO TO ME, YOU JUST DO NOT REALIZE HOW MUCH PAIN YOU CAUSE ME. 39.YOU, IN YOUR PRESENT STATE, ARE LIKE A LIMB OF YOUR BODY THAT IS FULL OF ALL TYPES OF DISEASE. YOU KNOW THAT YOU COULD CUT IT OFF, AND THE PAIN WOULD STOP. YOU KNOW THAT THE DISEASE IS SUCKING THE LIFE ENERGY FROM YOU. YOU KNOW YOU COULD DESTROY THAT LIMB AND BE BETTER. YOU KNOW THERE WOULD BE PAIN FOR A WHILE, BUT IT WOULD GO. 40.BUT YOU SIT THERE, HOPING AND LOVING THAT LIMB, WANTING IN YOUR HEART THAT THAT LIMB WILL CURE ITSELF AND BE WHOLE, ANEW. 41.THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT YOU WISH FOR. THAT IS WHAT I WISH FOR, FOR YOU. FOR YOU ARE LIKE THIS LIMB UNTO ME. YOU ARE LIKE ALL OF THIS. YOU ARE THE FESTERS, THE CANCEROUS DISEASES THAT ALL MEN HAVE. YOU ARE THIS UNTO ME, AS YOU ARE NOW. 42.I COULD CUT YOU OFF, I WOULD NOT HAVE THE PAIN. I WOULD NOT HAVE THE ENERGY BEING DRAINED FROM MY BEING, LIKE YOU DO NOW. BUT I CONTINUE, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, AND I HOPE IN MY SOUL THAT I HAVE..... THAT YOU WILL, IN TURN, COME TO ME. 43.FOR I AM. I WILL BE. I AM ALL. AND THERE ARE MANY, MANY OTHERS WITH ME. YOU ARE MADE LIKE ME, WITH ME, AND IN ME. 44.SO LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. LISTEN TO THE PROMISES I HAVE MADE YOU. AND ACCEPT ME THROUGH MY SON', OR YOU WILL BE CUT OFF LIKE THAT LIMB. 45.AND WHEN THIS DOES OCCUR, THE LIMB WILL WITHER, THE LIMB WILL ROT. THE LIMB WILL BE DESTROYED IN ALL IT’S THINGS. THERE WILL BE NO MORE. IT WILL CEASE TO BE. ALL THINGS WILL DIE. ALL THINGS WILL BE TOTAL!!! ALL THINGS WILL BE TOTAL IN THEIR ALL. AND DEATH WILL BE TOTAL. THERE WILL BE NO OTHER WAY. 46 THERE IS A TOTAL DEATH FOR ALL MANKIND. AND IT WILL COME TO PASS IF MANKIND DOES NOT ACCEPT, AND COME INTO THE LIGHT, THROUGH MY SON, UNTO ME, AND ACCEPT THE LIGHT FOREVER AND EVER, THAT WE HAVE OFFERED. 47.FOR WE OFFER NOTHING BUT TOTAL LIFE, LIFE OVER DEATH! 48.SO YOU SEE THIS IS WHAT MY PROMISES ARE TO YOU! BELIEVE IN ME. BELIEVE IN MY SON. BELIEVE THAT ALL IS BEING DONE FOR YOU! 49.I LOVE YOU ALL AND WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!! FOR I AM THE FATHER, THE CREATOR. I AM THE ONE THAT IS ALL. I AM THE ONE THAT DOES ALL. I AM. I AM. I AM. Jesus Speaks: 50.There will be messages, after messages, after messages from My Father and from me to you, hoping that some will listen, hoping that some will see, hoping that some will come. For these who come will be blessed. They will be blessed so greatly, you will never know. 51.But the time is now that man must come for the things that My Father has said He does promise. For He does weary. He does weary so. He does hurt for you. He does pain for you. 52.You do take His energy, as you take mine. For being part of Him, He gains from you, through all the good that you do. Any good that you do makes Him stronger. Any good that you do makes you stronger. And the stronger you become through good, the stronger My Father becomes. 53.But all the things that you do, as you weaken yourself with the bad that you do, all the things that you do by listening to the one-that-has-not, the weaker you become, the weaker your spirit becomes inside, the more energy you draw from My Father to exist, then the weaker He becomes. 54.For My Father exists on many planes. He does many, many wondrous things. He gives many wondrous things unto you. 55. But He does tire. He does pain. And He does hurt for you. 56.See, the thing that you do not, and I say, you do not understand that there is an end to all, or there is a life for all. You do not understand that you cannot keep going in the way that you are going. 57.You do not understand that you are out of order with ALL things in creation. That in your doing now, you are doing nothing but sucking the energy out of ALL that is created of the Father who created everything in creation itself. 58.For you are a sore in Creation. And He keeps, keeps sending to you so that the sore does not increase and devour ALL that. 59.For you do not understand the power of the one-who-has-not, and is-not. He has such power Oohh, it is absolutely, it is absolute in his domain. And he would have you all in his domain. For he does believe that by having you, he will have it all. He does not understand that he has-not, is-not, and therefore, he only has you as you are now. 60.But when the time comes, and the end does appear, that you will become as him, you will have-not, be-not, and in everything there is, is-not. And you will be where there is-nothing, with-nothing, in-nothing, so therefore, you-will-be-nothing, too. *61. There is a definite purpose for man and for woman. 62.Woman is the creative part of man. Woman is the gentle side of man. Woman is the part of man that man needs unto himself to nurture all things. Woman was created from man, through man, to be with man, to be part of man, not his slave, not his enemy, not his master. 63.They are one together. They are one in themselves. It takes part of each to make the whole. Man and woman need each other. They need each other to exist in true harmony. This is the order of all things. 64.Man does not control woman. Woman does not control man. They are one together. They will be one together. They come on each other together. 65.They do. They say. They talk. They become one. And when they become one together and come together, they do know that they are one. They do know. 66.For you are made of one. And your purpose is one. And the purpose is that man and woman be united together to form the two of one, and the bonding of the two to one. For their minds, their bodies, their souls work as one. 67.They do not take from each other, only give to each together. They give each other ALL the blessings that My Father has bestowed on them. For they give out of love for each other. 68. And in this union becomes a bond. And the bond is love. And love will encircle. Love will entrap in its glow. And they will in turn, feel the tune of themselves together. 69.This is good. This is the way it was meant to be. This is the way it must be. 70.And when these who are together come together with others who are together, and they come together with others and others and others who are together, and come in one body, and one mind, and purpose, all the glory you shall have. 71.The Light from Heaven will come to you in all its glory. And you will be encased in the fire. And the fire of love will go all over you. And you all will become as one in the fire. And it will go with you throughout the land. You will not burn, but glow in the Light. 72.The Light will shine all around you. It will shine into the sky, into the land. In every corner the Light will be seen. For it is the promise that you will endure in its everlasting love. 73.And man and woman are a good thing. What God creates through man and woman are good things. You will see this when you come together. 74.For all things are created from the Father. He creates through man and woman, new things. And these new things come up and they are good. And they become, and have unto them given another bond. For they bond with others that have been created from God. And it is good. It is good! (children) 75.For all new things on Earth are created, when the bonding does appear, is good, and good in the Father's Eye. For the Father does not corrupt anything, only man does. 76.And you do corrupt through your perversions, through your limitations that you put upon yourself, through your ego, through your own total idea that you are God, and you do it all. 77.You are made like God. You are made in God's Image and given everything that God has but you are NOT God. You are the Temple of God But yeah, I say unto you, you are not a Godlike God. You are a God only unto yourself! 78.For God has created you. But you must, must know that all things are from Him. And He gives all things unto you. 79.We do love you. My Father loves you. And all of these things I say, my Father said He said these things through me. He has given me these messages to give to you. 80.And I will continue and continue and continue to give these messages to all mankind. 81. For the time is now. The Light is on the way. The time is for man to look unto himself and do what man must do. For God cannot do now. And God will not do now, it is your free choice, but it must be made. 82.We love you all. My Father loves you all. I love you all. My Father's Father's Father and all the Supreme Beings love you. We LOVE you aLL. |