YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD FATHER IAM Chapter 20 TAPE 6-6-87 Jesus Introduction vs.1-5 You Do Not Take Responsibility vs 6 You Do Not Believe in the Scriptures vs.11 one-that-is-not vs 27 There is Only One Message vs.34 You Will Glow vs 44 Those Who Die Now v 46 Time of Now Has a Choice Stronger Than Others Who Pass vs 64 God Does Not Play Games vs 68 Man Perverts vs 75 You Want to Be God to Kill Millions vs 88 If God Does to You, WHY Free Agency vs 105 Limitations vs 116, 145 See and Touch vs 124 You Are Children of God vs 125 Your Father in is As You Are Father to Your Children vs 132-140 Shield of Protection vs 148 Baptism; Anyone Who Believes Can Do It (Instructions) vs 149-168 Keep Door and Windows Locked to Negative VS 163 Baptize Again vs 163 Give the Word; do not argue vs. 168-181 Everyone’s Mission Who Hears the Word Do Not Prostitute the Word v 184 God Does Nothing to Man vs 192 Things Just Happen v 196 God Does Not Care About Material Wealth vs 195-210 God Can Do Anything vs 119 Rewards On The Other Side vs 214 GOD FATHER IAM SPEAKS vs 224 FIRE IN YOU VS 231 GOD’SLOVE VS 237 COME INTO ORDER VS 239 NEW SPIRIT ON EARTH VS 241-282 Jesus~Truth Placed Inside Makes Fires Engulf VS.283-288 1.I know there are many things that you would like to know. I know there are many questions that you have. Some I can answer. Some I cannot. 2.Some are maybe. Some are a possibility. But I will try to tell you what I can. 3.Some things I can tell you, you will not believe. Some things I can tell you, you will believe. 4.Other things I will tell you, you cannot comprehend. 5.But what I tell you is the truth. 6.For I do sadden for you. I do weep for you. I do pain for you in all the things that you do. 7.You seem to want to blame everyone else for things that happen to you rather than yourself. You will not look into yourself for answers. 8.You only want to hear what you want to hear, see what you want to see. 9.And you blind yourself to all other things. You deafen yourself to all other things. 10. You will not listen to anything or to what anyone else has to say or to see anything that is there that you do not want that you hardened yourself unto. 11.You are against all that is good. You are against all of the old that's coming to the new through the Word because you do not believe in the Word. 12.For the Word was spoken of old, and it was brought down through the ages, and the Truth is there. It is in the writing. It is in the Word when you truly look for it. 13.But you choose not to look. You choose to accept what other ones say, for you say they have to be right for they said this, they said that. 14.You do not have any belief in ANYTHING. br /> 115.You do not believe in yourself. You do not believe in that inner part of you that says what is right and wrong. 16.You believe in only what you can see and touch. You do not believe in anything that is not material. You have no faith in anything. 17.And you know who I have talked about before, that when I say some will hear the Word, and know not what to do with it. 18.Others will hear the Word and believe and try to do something. 19.And others will hear the Word, and know what to do, and do nothing. 20.And yet the others that I talk about that will not hear the Word and judge the Word before they have even heard the Word--These are the hard-hearted, closed minded, closed structured ones that I talk to now that do not listen to anything other than what they think themselves, for they are the rock that I speak of that you cannot break with a hammer. 21.For they are the ones that will not endure. 22.And yeah, they try to change others. They try to change them all the time to their path of hardness. And they will be judged for that also. For these are the ones that have chosen the negative course in everything. 23.They do not believe in themselves. br /> SSo they try to believe in others. 24.You cannot, and I say, you cannot believe in what someone else is saying until you look inside yourself to find the truth of that. 25.And these will look at nothing. br /> They hear what they want to. They see what they want to. TThey believe what they want to. 26.And they only will do this through someone else, because that's where they feel their power is. 27.And yeah, I have talked about the one-that-is-not. And while he gains his power, he gains it through you, for he has none of his own. He gains all manner of things through you, because he is nothing. 28.And you are the same. You are nothing, for you must gain all your things through someone else. 29.You are with him now! You are in him now! For he gains through you and you gain through someone else. You are nothing in nothing yourself. And that is the way it is. 30.For all who are this way, they are the same as the one-that-is-not. And they are working with him ALL the time. 31.For they are hardened, and hardened, and hardened until they are this stone that I spoke about before. 32.They dwell with him, in him, through him, find their existence through someone else . 33.That is the way he must do. And that is the way they are doing. And these are the ones that will perish. And this they will do. 34.For it seems that all through time that man has been here, they have not learned the message, and the truth. 35.And there is only one message and one truth, that if man wants the promises that have been promised him, the glory that he can have, and the main thing--the power over death, he must come to the Father through Me – and be saved. For this is man's salvation. 36.This the Truth. This is the Word. And this is all there is!! 37.So if man truly believes, he will know the truth. He will feel the Truth. 38.And nothing can harm him. br /> No! Nothing can harm him. IIt cannot get to him. 39.For this Truth, he will in turn have a special place with the Father. 40.So you all sit back and you look at man, you say, "Oh, look at that poor soul, this poor soul. They have nothing, they do nothing. Look at them.” 41.“They just have a smile and they go about but they are in rags or they don't have very much, or this and that, yet they are happy." 42.They are the ones that are content in themselves. 43.You see what they have and what they are. You shy from it because you do not understand it. 44.For I say to you, when you come into Me, into the Father, through Me, and you get the feeling of the Love that We have, you will, in turn, glow. And people will see the glow in you. 45.They will not understand, but you will understand. Some will know. But very few will, because what you have is so great they cannot comprehend it. 46.And do not fear for those that are coming to me for all these ones that pass on in the Time of Now, do not have to go through what is coming. For they have, if they believe, salvation NOW. 47.True, they are going to leave the existence on Earth that it /> 448.If they have led the life that is hard, the times that are tough, the things that have hardened them and hardened them, and they do not believe, No, they will not come to Me. They will not sit with the Father. 49.But all those who pass on to Me now, through Me to the Father will sit beside the /> 550.And when the time comes, in the time to come, all things that I have talked about will pass. 51.He does not have to worry about that, beca use he is with the Father now. And he will be with the Father when all of these things come to pass. 52.If he chooses, he can come back to help, but he doesn't have to. 553.Any man, anyone on Earth, that passes on in the Time of Now to the Father, will be saved There is no, no question about this. This is the way it is! 54.So do not look on to them with sadness. Rejoice in what they have! For they truly have what you want down deep inside of you. 55.And you feel sorry for yourself, because you do not have yet, what they have got. And that is the way it is. 56.Do not feel sorry for them. For they in turn will be sitting in a place that you want to be at. 57.If you look inside yourself, you will find that out. And all of the ones in the past, that have passed on and come up through Me to the Father, are all saved also. 58.Only the ones that are here in the Time of Now with these choices to be made, have the choice to be made. And that choice they must make. For that is the main thing of now. 59.For the ones that come to Me now have made that choice to believe and this is what they have done. 60.But their belief, and the things that they have done and all of the things have brought them unto Me, and they will be judged for their bad and good. 61.But they are saved! 62.But I say unto you that they are better off than you are, for they have not had to make the true choice that you do NOW. 63.They came with a belief in Me into the Father. 64. But the belief you have now, you must profess in such a way that is even much stronger than theirs for you must make the choice of the road yourself, if you truly want to exist. 65.For as I say to you, they are going to have it much, much stronger than you are if you pass over now. 66.If you pass over later on, in the time to come, you will have it much, much rougher for you will truly have to believe. 67.For all things in the past will be taken care of--are taken care of—and the things that become the past of now will be taken care of but the things that are coming from now to the time in the future will be your choice!!! All of your choice!!!! 68.You seem to think that God plays games with you. You seem to think that He does all manner of things to you. 69.Everything that you have happen to you, you say, "Well, that is God's will.” 70.”Well, God did that. God is testing me here; God is doing that." 71.You say "God is a game-player", like you are. "God plays games all the time" with you." Why do (you) say such things??? Why do you think the Father plays games with you?? 73.For the Father has made you in His Image. He has made you part of Him, He has given you all that He has got. He loves you. And He dwells in you, as I do, all in you. And you sit back and say, "He plays games!" 74.He has made everything the way it is. He has given you dominion over the Earth. 75.You have destroyed parts of the Earth. You have polluted parts of the Earth. You have done all things. 76.He gave you His Word. r /> He gave you His promises. HeHe gave you Me. 77.And what did you do with all things?????????????? 78.You take things and you pervert them to your own. 79.You have taken His Word and prostituted His Word. 80.You have taken His Son and you have killed his Son. You have done all manner of things. 81.Do you truly believe that any man has given you anything, or any God that has given you His All and All, and His Love, and His Son that you destroyed, would sit back and play games with you????? 82.He would do things to you???? 83.Man does things to themselves. God does not need to do anything!!! He does not need to put blocks in front of you, and tests in front of you, and anything like this. 84.For all life here is a test!! It’s a test that you create yourself. For he has need to do nothing, for you do it all! 85.And things happen and happen and happen Man does unto man!!! 86.God does not do all of these things to you, just to harm you, and do these things. You create your own. And this is the way it is. 87.And things do happen. And things that you create happen. 88.Do you believe that God gave you the right to go out and kill millions of people??? To kill millions of souls all at one swoop? 89.Do you think God made that and gave that to you so you could do this? 90.To make you happier by killing more and more, and destroying more and more? 91.Do you think God gave you all of these things that you pervert and you change? 92.He did not give them to you in the state that they are in now. He gave them to you in a pure state, and you have corrupted them. You have changed, and changed, and changed unto yourself, and made them what they are. 93.And in turn, they are harming you now. And they will continue to harm you. 94.And it will become worse and worse for you. For you have changed things in your striving for more and more knowledge, and to be more and more like God, rather than believing in yourself, and the things inside of you, and the truth and becoming like God, as God has told you. 95.You want God unto yourself. You want to be your own God!! You don’t want a God in Heaven. You want to be God yourself here, to be a God so you change all the things that He has given you. 96.He has given you many wondrous things that you have perverted and changed. 97.And you have used knowledge which you have to change things. And the more the knowledge you receive, the more you change things in your own manner, and the more devastation becomes onto man. 98.The more you pollute, the more you change, the more you pervert, the more things come on to you!!! And the harder your lessons are. 99.For all of the diseases, all of the things that man has today, man has brought on to man. 100.He has changed things. He says, "I did this, therefore it is good." And all he has done is taken it and made it stronger in a different form. 101.And it comes back to wipe out more, and more and more. And this is the way it is. 102.Man controls man through the power of man. And this is what he does. 103.He changes things; he pollutes; he corrupts. He, in turn, does all these things, uses his power to kill, to destroy. He does it in all manner of ways. He starves. He shoots. He bombs. All of the things that you do to destroy, this is what man does. 104.These are not things that God does! 105.Why would God do such a thing???? If all manner of things were that God put all of the blocks in front of you, and God put all of the things to stumble on, and things happen because it is God's will, why do you have a free mind for change??????? 106.Why?? Why should not He have given you a will, such as a slave to do nothing but what the master says. 107.And when the master says, "Jump off the cliff." You jump off of the cliff for you have no will of your own. 108.Why should this be?? If he gave you this (free agency), and the right to choose, why do you constantly believe that it is his way??? 109.No, I say unto you, it is your way!! 110.For man puts the stumbling blocks in front of man. Man does all unto man. Man does to man what man does. 111.God has given you everything. He has given you everything that you are, everything that there is, and He has given you the fire inside of you, as He dwells with Me in you. The truth is there if you seek it. 112.So why try to put again your limitations on Him??? 113.For that's what man does all the time, he has put the limitations onto God, the limitations that he applies to himself. 114.For he cannot believe, in his state, that there can be a God that can do anything. 115.And you say, "I cannot move that mountain with my hand. I cannot change the waters with my hand. I cannot breathe on the ice caps and make them disappear. I cannot do all manners of things. I cannot look into the Heavens and make a star shine.” 116.These are only limitations that you put upon yourself. 117.And you say, "Since I cannot do this, God cannot do this. For I cannot believe that He can do anything that I cannot do. 118.And if I can’t believe that He can do anything I cannot do, I must put limitations on that for I must believe that He can only do the things that I believe He can do." 119.I say to you, if He can create it all, and He can create you and He can create the stars and the Heavens, and all that there is, HE CAN DO ANYTHING! ! ! ! ! ! ! 120.You cannot in your mind, comprehend that there is nothing that He CANNOT DO! 121.And when this time comes that you get to the point that you will believe in yourself, and look inside you and find what is there, and the truth, then is the only time that you will know that there is nothing that your Father cannot do ... nothing that He will not do for you, and nothing that He has not done for you. 122.For you are made through Him, in Him, with Him inside of you, and Me inside of you, and all manner of things that you only have to look to find. 123.But, no, I say you don’t look for anything other than what you can see and touch. 124.You only look for only what you can hold and get and hold and get, and get and hold, until you have all manner of things. You do not look for the truth. But the truth is there. 125.Man and God are the same in all respects. The only thing is, God knows who God is. God is God and God creates all. 126.Man does not know who he is. He does not truly know where he came from. He does not truly know what his being is. He knows nothing of himself. 127.And he knows nothing of truly what God is. 128.For God is everything, and in everything, and is everything, and is all. For he can do anything, be anything, and He can do it all, for he has done it all before. 129.You have to look to yourself to find these truths!! And you are part of Him, with Him, when you truly want to be. 130.But you have this cloak of hardness around you and it is so hard that nothing can get in, and you HAVE to throw it off. 131.Once it is thrown off, and you look for the truth and the truth appears, then you will know. 132.And all things will come to pass as such for you are the children of your Father---- as your children are to you. 133.And there is a truth and a harmony and an order of Love that exists between You Two, and all of His children are the same unto Him. 134.But how you as child look unto your Father, and you say, “Father, I know you are big and strong and you can do anything, for my belief is totally in you, and my love is for you.” 135.And your Father pats you on the head, and he smiles. And he rejoices in this. 136.SO DOES YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, when you do this to Him! 137.And as a child, you know that your Father can do anything. And your belief in him is that there is nothing that he cannot do, when you are a child. 138. But as you grow older, you start putting limitations on yourself, limitations on him for you see he is just a mortal like, and he is being like you, and he has applied limitations on himself. 139.But your Father in Heaven has applied none of these limitations. He still is that Father like you had when you were a child, and know that there was nothing that your Father could not do. And loving him, and knowing this, you accepted this, and you rejoiced in it. 140.Your Father in Heaven has never changed. He can do anything. He can do everything that there is at any time. 141But, He saddens and He hurts, and He pains for all of your attitudes, all of your feelings, all of your things that you say to Him about Him, towards Him that are not positive in the nature of which they should be. 142.None say, "Father, I know YOU can do anything, anything there is. If YOU want to speak through a rock, YOU can speak through a rock. If YOU want to speak through a bird, You can speak through a bird. 143."If YOU want to dematerialize all of the oceans, YOU can do it. If YOU want to change the sky from the way it is, to any order you wish it, YOU can do it. YOU can come down and make all men feel YOUR Presence at the same time all over Earth, IF YOU CHOOSE." 144.No, you do not do these types of things. You say, "He can't speak through that rock. He can't speak through that bird. He can't dematerialize the Earth." You say, "He can't do any of these things." 145.Again, those are the limitations you apply to Him. And that is some of the points I am trying to make to you, is the limitations you apply to Him and Me ... AND YOURSELF! 146.You were created with no limitations, as such. You were created in good, through good, and were good. 147.And you are today, if you choose to be, for that is where the power is. 148.That is where the love is. That is where the pro hy Father is. And that is what I am. And it is there for you. 149.The water does purify you. It does cleanse. It brings you back to the state that you were when you first came, but only if you truly believe. You must go to the water with a belief in the Father, through Me, with love in your heart. And the water will cleanse and purify. 150.It makes no difference who puts you under the water, when they put you under the water. Nay, I say it does not make-a difference who puts you under the water, as long as the one who puts you under the water has a belief in what they are doing. 151.You cannot take one that is hard of heart, hard of mind, closed structure, believing in the One-that-is-not, to put you under the water for his total negativeness will, in turn, hold you back. 152.You must have one that DOES profess a belief. And truly, they may not understand but they do believe. That is the key. And if they believe, then it is good! 153.See, the water takes off the negative forces that have been created through you, and are around you now. 154.As you go into the water, and become submerged in the water, the water in turn purifies you, and cleanses you by taking off all of these forces from you, and neutralizes all of their effects on you. 155.This is the purification of the water. It does this when you truly believe. 156.They are there, they are doing nothing, but they still are there. And when you go into the water, the water purifies you and cleanses you. It does this by taking all of these (negative forces) away from you, and doing away with them. The water does this. 157.And anyone can do it, as long as they believe. 158.And when they put you in the water, they should say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Everlasting Spirit on Earth.” 159.And all will come to pass that this Spirit you will feel, you will feel Me, and you will feel My Father. And you will feel so good that you will glow all over. 160.You will know that you are doing this. Many will not see for they will not allow themselves to see. And after this is done and you feel this in you and this glow, take the one that has baptized you, and you put him in the water and baptize him. For YOU ARE PURE and you are cleansed, and you can baptize him. 161.And once you have all been baptized who come this way, and you feel that there are others that see or others that want to be baptized in the same way, for you will know if they truly believe and want this, as they will profess this. And you will feel it. 162.But this is the way it is to be done. And this is what the waters do. And this is the way all manner of things are to be. 163.But, I say to you remember that you must keep your doors and windows locked, for the one-that-is-not will constantly try to get in. 164.And you will know when it happens. And so you will be protected, and you will be able to shut him out. But it will be your choice. 165.For if you don't, the negative forces will build again. And all the purification that you have done will be for naught. For you will allow it to get into you again. 166.But this is what you do. You go to the water. You become purified in it, cleansed through the water. 167.And all of these forces that are in you shall be set aside, will be taken off, will be neutralized through the water. 168.And you will know when it is right. For you will feel it inside of you, around you, and through you. And you know, for you will receive all types of blessings when it occurs. 169.You will be constantly bombarded by negativeness in people, in man, throughout. You will constantly be bombarded by ones who constantly want to bait you, want to argue with you, want to cause nothing but problems and problems and problems. 170. I say to you, don't do this to yourself. 171. Only give the Word. Do not argue with them. Do not debate them. The Word is the Word, and that is all there is. Give it with love. 172.Do not allow it to get you down, to put you in a place that you do not want to be. Do not allow this. 173.If this is what is going on, their hearts are hard. Their minds are hard. Their structure is closed. They do not want to hear. 174.Get up and leave. Don't stay with these. Do not put yourself into a position to make your own self feel bad, because that is what you do to yourself. 175.Know the truth is there. Know what I say is the truth. And know what I give you is the truth. 176.For you will know inside. And you will feel the love. 177.And if they do not want to understand, again, I have told you time and time again, ou cannot break the heart of stone with the best hammer that you have, for it will not be broken 178.They have shut off themselves totally. And they have become the pillar of iron. And it does not bend. It does not move. It does not crack. 179. But I say to you, in the time that will come, it will be melted. It will be melted and totally gone one way or another. And this will be. 180.So do not take it upon yourself to try and melt that iron. Only give the Word that I say to you with the love that I tell you, put it out to all men, and allow them to make their choice and their judgment themselves. 181.For this is the way it will be. 182.You must do these things the way I say. And you will be doing your mission that I have sent you for. 183.And the ones around you that believe in what you're saying and working with you and doing more, these, I say, all of you will receive My blessings. And the Father's blessings and HIS promises to you will be all of their glory. And you will feel this and feel Him. 184.For there are so many, SOOO many professing to give the Word, professing that they know all The Word, professing that they talk with God, professing that they do this and that, and in turn, selling the Word, prostituting My Word by selling it to the people, which was meant to be given freely to the people. 185.Oh, how these will be judged!!! Oh, if they are judged, they will be judged so. 186.And in this time people on the Earth, man on the Earth want to know more and more. They are flocking more and more to these, to these that do nothing but sell, sell, sell. They are going to be in for a hard, hard time. 187.This I have promised them. My Father has promised them. 188.My Father has promised them such, such things, and they do not believe them. 189.And He has promised them the Everlasting Death in nothing, in nothing, in nothing. And they do not believe, for they “have the true” belief ... And they truly have NO belief, but themselves. 190.They are the ones who are turning man's hearts to stone. And they will be judged for this! 191.For all things will come to pass as I have said. All things, and all things you do to yourself, as man does to man and all things that happen, there are lessons to be learned from all of this. There are lessons all of the time. 192.But remember, God does nothing to man. He does not put the stumbling blocks to man. He does not play games with man . 193.God does not have to, for man does to man. And things do occur that occur, because man does to man! 194.And therefore, you must remember, that you do it to yourself. 195.You should NOT, I say, limit yourself to your thinking, not blame yourself for all manner of things that you have no control over, that happen, because they happen. 196.. But look to the Father, through Me, for the truth, and know that things just happen because they happen. 197.For, it is like the one who believes not, does not, and is not talking to another one that feels the same way. And he goes about, and all of a sudden, he in turn gets wealth upon wealth upon wealth bestowed him. 198.For he pulled the right number, or said the right thing. Do you think that God gives this to him? That God was playing these games with him? 199. Why should He give to this one who believes not, that is not, and does with the not? 202.God does not care about those things. God does not care about your material things. He does not care anything about what you have in that manner. 203.He only cares about your fire inside of you. He cares for the spirit inside of you. And He cares about the good that you do. 204. But He does NOT care that you have all the material things on Earth. Or He does not care that you live in a mansion, or you live in a shack! HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THIS TYPE OF THING. 205.It makes no difference. The one who lives in the mansion who truly believes and the one who lives in the shack who truly believes will have the same place side by side with the Father. 206.It makes no difference to Him what you do and what you have. 207.And the one who lives in the shack that pollutes, destroys, corrupts, does all manner of things that way, and the one who lives in a mansion that pollutes, destroys, corrupts, does all manner of things that way, I say to you, neither one will sit at the side of the Father. 208.Neither one will be in His Presence. For they have created the Everlasting Death unto themselves. 209. So it makes No Difference to Him what you have material-wise. It only makes a difference to Him WHAT YOU BELIEVE, HOW YOU BELIEVE. 210.And if you believe and truly believe, and you say, "I believe in God. I believe in all of these things. I live a good life." 211.And by doing this, your neighbor says, "You are not good." And he destroys you. No one should fret for you. No one should feel sorry for you, for you will have a throne by My Father so great, that you just cannot believe. 212.For you have been destroyed in your goodness. And for this your rewards by Him will be as great as they can be for all of the Heavens and His Father's Father will, in turn, give unto you. 213.And My Father will give. And as He has said, His Father's Fathers will give. And ALL will give unto you, who do this. 214.For man only saddens for man when one leaves this plane. And I say to you, you should not sadden. For what they will receive is so much greater for themselves. And I believe that you mainly sadden for yourself. 215.For you know their rewards will be greater, and you don't have them yourself. So you sadden for you. 216.Do not sadden for them! For they will have such things that you cannot have. nd they will have them now, in the Time of Now. And this is the way it is. 217.The burdens that you have placed upon yourself are what you do to yourself. 218.It does not have be that way. when you truly believe and you look into yourself for the answers and you find all manner of things that are happening, and you believe in the truth in yourself, nothing is a burden to you, nothing. 219.For everything you do is out of love, out of truth. There cannot be a burden to you for the Father will not allow this to be. 220.For everything that comes unto you, through the love, will be out of love. And it will not be a burden. It will be a thing of beauty, a thing that you can endure without any problems at all. 221.Only man makes burdens unto themselves. They create all of their own. And this is the way it is. For this is the way it should be. And this is the order of things. 222.The order of things is good. It is good. It is love. 223.It is all the things that you want that you do not have. This is the correct and harmony of all things. GOD IAM SPEAKS 224.MAN DOES NOT BELIEVE I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO. HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN ME WHEN HE SAYS THESE THINGS. FOR I HAVE CREATED YOU. I HAVE MADE YOU IN ME. AND YOU ARE PART OF ME. I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO. I DO HAVE NO LIMITATIONS. 225.I DO NOT PUT LIMITATIONS ON MYSELF. AND I DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO PUT THEM ON ME. AND IT SEEMS THAT I MUST KEEP TELLING YOU THIS, BECAUSE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT IF I CAN CREATE ALL, I CAN MAKE ALL, I CAN DO ALL, THEN I CAN DO ANYTHING I CHOOSE. THERE IS NOTHING THAT I CANNOT DO. AND THE THINGS THAT I PROMISED, I WILL DO! 226.YOU CANNOT SEEM TO COMPREHEND THIS! 227.AND I DO NOT INTEND TO SHOW YOU ANYTHING UNTIL THE TIME COMES THAT MY PROMISES WILL BE KEPT FOR YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. 228. I HAVE SHOWN YOU THINGS IN THE PAST. I HAVE DONE THINGS, AND DONE THINGS, AND DONE THINGS AND YOU CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE, NOT TO BELIEVE, NOT TO BELIEVE. 229.NOW YOU EITHER MUST BELIEVE OR YOU WILL PERISH. THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. 230.THERE IS NO OTHER. FOR I HAVE GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING. 231. I HAVE MADE YOU WHAT YOU ARE, IN THE BEING THAT YOU ARE. I HAVE MY FIRE IN YOU! MY SON’S FIRE IN YOU. AND YOU, IN TURN, CONSTANTLY PUT THIS OUT. YOU CONSTANTLY TRY AND TRY, AND TRY TO DESTROY IT. 232.AND IF I HAVE CREATED YOU, WHY NOT I CAN NOT I DESTROY YOU? WHY DO YOU BELIEVE SUCH THINGS THAT CANNOT BE? 234.YOU PUT THE LIMITATIONS CONSTANTLY ON ME. YOU DO NOT, YOU DO NOT REALIZE THE POWER THAT I HAVE, OR YOU CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE THE POWER THAT I HAVE, AND THE POWER THAT YOU HAVE. 235.YOU CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE ANYTHING BUT WHAT YOU CAN SEE AND TOUCH, AND WHAT THINGS ARE TO YOU! 236.YOU WILL NOT LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF. YOU WILL NOT COME UP WITH THE TRUTH. 237.FOR I HAVE LOVED YOU AND LOVED YOU AND LOVED YOU. I HAVE CREATED YOU IN MY OWN IMAGE. YOU ARE PART OF ME, AND I DO LOVE YOU SO. 238.BUT, IN TURN, I CAN, IF I MUST, CUT YOU OFF, AND DESTROY YOU IF I HAVE TO KEEP THE ORDER OF ALL THINGS. 239.ALL THINGS ARE COMING INTO ORDER NOW. AND THEY WILL BE IN ORDER. YOU WILL BE IN ORDER OR CEASE TO EXIST. THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. 240.FOR I SAY TO YOU, AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY, IS THAT I CAN DO ANYTHING AND I CAN, IN TURN, CUT YOU OFF AND DESTROY YOU ANYTIME I CHOOSE. FOR THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. 241.FOR YOU KNOW, WHEN YOU COME ON THE EARTH THAT YOU ARE AT, WHEN YOU COME AS A NEW SPIRIT, AND I SEND ONE OF MY SPIRITS DOWN TO BE IN YOU, AS A NEW SPIRIT, YOU KNOW THEN THE FATHER CAN DO ANYTHING. 242.AND AS YOU GROW AND GROW AND GROW, YOU KNOW THIS AND KNOW THIS. AND THEN YOU START TO GET THE LIMITATIONS THAT YOUR FATHER HAS AND THE PEOPLE HAVE, AND ALL PEOPLE. AND YOU TAKE THEM ONTO YOURSELF, BECAUSE YOU ARE CONSTANTLY TOLD, "THIS IS THE WAY IT IS. THIS IS THE WAY IT IS." 243.AND YOU SEE THE WAY IT IS, WITH PEOPLE AROUND YOU, AND THE MEN THAT THERE ARE ALL OVER, AND WOMEN ALL OVER, AND CHILDREN ALL OVER. AND YOU SEE ALL OF THIS AND YOU SAY, "I CAN DO NOTHING BUT WHAT THEY CAN DO." 244.YOU STOP YOUR BELIEF AT THAT TIME! AND THIS IS THE WAY IT IS. 245.YOU HAVE AT ONE POINT THE BELIEF AND THE KNOWLEDGE. AND YOU CHOOSE TO CUT IT OFF. YOU CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE IT. YOU CHOOSE TO TAKE THAT FIRE AND MAKE IT DIMMER AND DIMMER. 246.IF YOU CHOOSE TO OPEN THE DOOR INSIDE OF YOU, AND ALLOW THE FLAMES TO KINDLE BACK, YOU WILL KNOW ALL OF THE TRUTH YOURSELF! /> THISTHIS IS THE WAY IT IS. 247. I DO NOT, I SAY, I DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH YOU. 248.AND HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU, SAY THAT I DO!!!!! 249.FOR I DO NOT DO THESE TYPE OF THINGS. I DO NOT COME DOWN THERE AND SAY, "OH, LOOK, I DO NOT CARE FOR THAT PERSON, SO I WILL PUT A GREAT BIG WALL IN FRONT OF HIM THAT HE RUNS INTO. OR LOOK AT THAT PERSON. HE'S A FUNNY PERSON. I WILL PUT A PIT IN FRONT OF HIM THAT HE WILL FALL INTO." 250.I DO NOT DO THIS!!! 251.AND HOW D A R E YOU SAY I DO! 252.YOU PUT YOUR WALLS UP. 253.YOU DIG YOUR PITTS. 254.YOU DO IT ALL. 255.I DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO YOU! 256 AND YOU SIT BACK AND YOU SAY, "WELL, GOD DID THIS. GOD DID THAT.” AND GOD DID NOTHING! 257.YOU BRING ME DOWN. YOU TRY TO BRING ME DOWN TO YOUR LEVEL ALL OF THE TIME. 258. AND I DO NOT EXIST ON YOUR LEVEL, AS SUCH. 259.I AM IN YOU. MY SON IS IN YOU. 260.AND THERE ARE SPIRITS ALL OVER. AND I AM ALL OVER THE WORLD. MY BEING IS THERE. 262.BUT I AM NOT, AND I SAY AGAIN, (I AM) NOT IN THE TYPE OF FORM THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO PUT ME INTO. AND THE CONDITIONS YOU WOULD LIKE TO PUT ME INTO. AND THE LIMITATIONS YOU WOULD LIKE TO PUT ME INTO. I AM NOT THIS TYPE OF BEING AS SUCH, AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ME. 263. I AM IN ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE CREATED. I AM IN YOU. I AM IN THE HEAVENS. I AM EVERYWHERE. I AM! I AM THAT I AM! 264.AND WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THAT IS THE WAY IT IS, AND I DONOT PUT THESE BLOCKS IN FRONT OF YOU, I DO NOT PUNISH INDIVIDUALS, ONE HERE AND ONE THERE. I DO NOT PUNISH PEOPLE AFTER PEOPLE AFTER PEOPLE. 265. I DO NOT PUT THE DISEASES ON YOU THAT YOU HAVE TODAY! 266.I DO NOT PUT THE FAMINES ON YOU THAT YOU HAVE TODAY! 267.I DO NOT DESTROY THE LAND THAT YOU DESTROY TODAY! 268.I DO NONE OF THIS! 269.YOU DO IT ALL! ! ! ! ! 270.SO I AM VERY, VERY, VERY TIRED. I AM VERY, VERY, VERY ANGRY AT YOU APPLYING ALL OF THESE THINGS TO ME. 271.AND I SAY TO YOU, THE TIME IS NOW THAT YOU MUST MAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO ENDURE IN THE STATE THAT YOU ARE IN, AS YOU ENDURE NOW. 272.YOU EITHER HAVE TO COME TO ORDER, BELIEVING IN WHAT I SAY, AND BELIEVING IN THE SON AND COME THROUGH HIM TO ME, OR YOU WILL SURELY PERISH!!!! 273. AND I PROMISE YOU THAT!!! 274. AND YOU WILL NOT EXIST FOR I CAN DO THIS ANY TIME I CHOOSE. AND THE PROMISE IS THERE THAT THIS WILL BE! 275.YOU EITHER HAVE TO COME OR GO! ONE OR THE OTHER ... AND IT WILL BE AS SUCH. 276.BUT, THERE IS ONE THING, EVEN IF I HAVE TO DO THE OTHER THAT I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT I HAVE PROMISED TO DO, I WILL BE DOING IT OUT OF LOVE FOR ALL THINGS. 277.AND EVEN IF I DESTROY YOU FOREVER, I WILL STILL LOVE YOU FOREVER, IF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THIS. 278.BUT WHAT MUST BE, MUST BE, BECAUSE THE ORDER MUST BE BROUGHT. AND IF IT IS TO DO THE OTHER, I WILL DO IT. AND I WILL NOT HESITATE TO DO IT. I WILL NOT WANT TO DO IT. I WILL NOT WANT TO BUT, I WILL DO IT. 279.FOR, I DO LOVE YOU ALL. MY FATHER'S FATHERS. THE OTHER BEINGS IN ALL OF THE HEAVENS LOVE YOU ALL. BUT WHAT MUST BE, MUST BE. 280.AND THE ORDER MUST BE BROUGHT IN AND WE MUST HAVE IT. FOR WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO EXIST WITHOUT IT. THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. 281.I DO LOVE ALL MY CHILDREN. YOU ARE MY CHILDREN! 282.I LOVE MY SON. Jesus continues: 283.The only thing that you can do is try. Try to do what I say, try to give the Word that I give, try to listen with an open mind, and open heart, and an open structure to all things that have been said. 284.Place them inside you where you want, but place them, and the fires will start to engulf you, and the warmth will come through. And you will know what is true unto you. 285.Help anyone who seeks help. Help anyone who seeks knowledge. 286.But I say to you, do not fight with anyone. Do not try to change anyone. Just tell them what has been said, and say, “The true path is the path to My Father, through Me, with love in the heart, and a belief in the truth in them, and in the Light, they will be saved.” 287.Just tell them, “That is the Word.” 288.And I love you all. And My Father loves you all. We all love you all. END OF PROPHECY 6-6-87 /> |