THE BIG SHIFT FOR GOOD Be Love Chapter 26 TAPE 6-21-87 Jesus Speaks: Give In Love vs.7 GOD SPEAKS GOD SPEAKS:VS.14-50 GOD IS HAPPY HEALING IS GOING ON VS 28-32 COMING TO ORDER VS 36 WINNING OVER EVIL I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU VS37 ENGULF YOU IN MY LOVE VS 500 Jesus Speaks About His Duties: The Father Enjoys Casting Out For You vs 61,73,84 The Multitude Will Hear vs 68 I Am The Son vs 75-104 Forgive Sin vs 78-79 I Have Many Names VS. 87,102 My Kingdom Is In Heaven vs 91-94 Yours Is On Earth vs 95 Healing The Limb vs 100 Bible And Times Have Changed vs 114 Look Inside For The Truth Of The Changes vs 117-222 Names And Meanings Of Words Have Changed vs 119, 148-149 Word Of My Father Is The Fire In All Things vs 123 Everlasting Spirit vs 123, 126, 137, 151-156 Father's Father's Father's Goes On And On vs 138 Wonders Beyond Your Understanding vs144 God Is You.. You Are HIM vs 151-156 1. I am here with you now. I am here to tell you My Father's blessing on all that you do for He has given you ALL manner of things. And He is happy with you. 2.So I have come to tell you how happy He is with all things you are doing. 3.And He gives his blessing to you in all the things that you do for Him, in His name, in His work through me, for all you do in that, is good. 4. You do not see the good that you do as yet, but it is there. For as I have said, ones are listening that you do not realize that are listening. And ones are hearing that you do not realize are hearing. And they will come to the Father through me with your help, they will come. 5.And your blessings are secure. They are there for you and will be for you always. The Father has promised this. It is good and what you are doing is good. 6.And I do love you all and all the things that I do for you and the Father does for you, We do it from love. 7. And for you to give Our Word and to do the things that you do, do it with all the love you possess. Do not fight. Do not argue. Do not debate. Just do it with the love and ALL the love you possess. 8.And call upon us for help. Call for the Father through me. You will feel Us there with you, for We will help you in ALL ways, at ALL times, no matter what you are doing. 9.We will give you the energy and the love and the things that you need to do the job that you have to do. 10.The peace and harmony inside yourself, it will be there. You will feel it . 11.You will feel Me here with you now for I am all over. I am with you. I am in you. And I am surrounding you with that Light, the Light of the Love that I have for you. 12.Be content in what you do. Believe in the Father. Believe in Me. Stay in the Light, for you are protected, for you are blessed. For you are among the few that will survive and live forever and ever and ever. 13.We both do love you in all the things you do for Us. And My Father says that He truly does love you, and I love you. THE FATHER IAM SPEAKS: 14.BLESSED ARE YOU THAT DO THE WORK THAT I HAVE SENT YOU TO DO, FOR YOU DO THE THINGS THAT I HAVE ASKED YOU TO DO, IN THE BELIEF THAT YOU HAVE IN ME. AND YOUR REWARDS ARE SET. THEY ARE WITH ME. AND YOU ARE RECEIVING MY BLESSINGS NOW FOR YOU CAN FEEL THE LOVE THAT I AM SENDING TO YOU. 15.YOU CAN FEEL THE PEACE. YOU CAN FEEL THE CONTENTMENT. 16.AND ALSO, YOU CAN FEEL THE WANTNG TO DO MORE, IN MY NAME FOR ME. AND THAT IS THE SPARK THAT KEEPS YOU GOING, KEEP YOU DOING. FOR YOU FEEL ME IN YOU. 17. FOR I AM THERE AND I WILL BE THERE AND I AM HAPPY WITH YOU. 18.YOU DO THE THINGS THAT I, IN TURN, WANT YOU TO DO. YOU DO THINGS IN GOOD, FOR GOOD, FOR ME, AND THAT IS ALL I CAN ASK OF YOU. 19.FOR BY DOING THIS YOU SHOW ME THE LOVE YOU HAVE FOR ME, THE BELIEF THAT YOU HAVE IN ME, AND ALL THINGS SHALL BE YOURS. 20.YOU MAY NOT UNDERSTAND THE WAY YOU GET THINGS, THE WAY THINGS COME ABOUT, THE WAY THINGS ARE, AND THE WAY THINGS WILL BE. 21.BUT, IN TIME AS YOUR TIME GOES BY, AND HOW YOU DO ALL THINGS, IT WILL COME TO PASS THAT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND ALL THINGS. 22.FOR THIS IS THE WAY IT IS MEANT TO BE. AND THIS IS THE WAY I WANT IT TO BE. 23.BUT IT IS LIKE I HAVE SAID BEFORE ABOUT THE LIMB. AND THROUGH YOU I CAN FEEL HEALING BEING DONE, THROUGH ALL THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN SENT AND HAVE WISHED TO GO AND ARE DOING MY WORD, THERE IS A HEALING GOING ON. AND THIS DOES MAKE ME HAPPY. 24.FOR AS LONG AS THIS IS GOING ON, YOU ARE TAKING THE RIGHT PATH. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT ROAD TO ME. 25.THEREFORE, THE ONE PROMISE WILL BE KEPT AND THE OTHER WLL BE THROWN OUT. 26.AND IF IN THIS TIIME THAT YOU CHANGE, YOU CAN GO THE OTHER WAY, AND THAT PROMISE WILL BE KEPT AND THE OTHER THROWN OUT. 27.BUT THE WAY THINGS ARE NOW, AND THE WAY YOU ARE DOING, AND THE WAY YOU ARE GOING, THINGS ARE HEALING. 28.THINGS ARE BECOMING BETTER. FOR I HAVE NEVER SAID HOW MANY HAD TO COME TO ME, TO SAVE ALL THINGS. I HAVE NEVER PUT LIMITATIONS ON ANY THING. 29. SO I SAY TO YOU, LOOK TO YOURSELF. LOOK TO ALL THINGS, FOR I DO NOT PUT LIMITATIONS ON ANYTHING. REMEMBER THAT AND LOOK TO YOUR HEART. 30. ALL I HAVE SAID IS "MAN MUST COME TO ME TO SAVE ALL THINGS, FOR ALL THINGS TO ENDURE. IF MAN DOES NOT COME TO ME, ALL THINGS WILL BE DESTROYED." 31. I HAVE NOT GIVEN NUMBERS. I HAVE NOT GIVEN AMOUNTS TO YOU, BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR SUBSTANCE. ALL I HAVE SAID IS THAT MAN MUST COME TO ME! 32. BUT I SAY TO YOU NOW THAT THE HEALING IS BEING DONE. AND I AM HAPPY IN WHAT IS GOING ON. 33. SO JUDGE BY THIS AND WHAT I SAY TO YOU OF MY WORD AND WHICH OF THE PROMISES YOU WILL RECEIVE. 34.KEEP DOING MY WORK. KEEP GIVING MY WORD. 35.KEEP DOING ALL THINGS IN MY NAME, THROUGH MY SON, AND ALL WILL BE PROVIDED. ALL WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF, AND ALL WILL ENDURE. 36.FOR ALL THINGS ARE COMING INTO ORDER. THINGS ARE LOOKING BETTER ALL THE TIME. 37.THE ONE-THAT-IS-NOT IS FIGHTING HARDER AND HARDER ALL OF THE TIME. BUT I AM GLORYING IN THIS FIGHT WITH HIM NOW, FOR YOU ARE HEALING THAT LIMB, AND THEREFORE, I CAN FIGHT HIM WITH ALL MY POWER, ALL MY MIGHT, AND ENJOYING CASTING HIM BEHIND THE VEIL, BECAUSE I KNOW THAT THERE ARE ONES WHO WILL NOT FALL TO HIM. 38. THERE ARE ONES THAT WILL COME TO ME IN THEIR LOVE, AND I CAN FIGHT FOR THEM LIKE THE BIGGEST ARMY YOU HAVE EVER SEEN AND WITH THE POWER AND THE MIGHT OF ALL THE HEAVENS, AND THEY WILL NOT GO WITH HIM. HE WILL NOT GAIN THAT FOOTHOLD IN THEM. 39. FOR I HAVE SEEN THEIR LOVE. I SEE THEIR LOVE AND I WILL NOT LET IT BE DESTROYED. 40.THAT IS MY PROMISE TO YOU. FOR THERE ARE SUCH TIMES COMING FOR YOU IN ALL THINGS THAT YOU CAN’T EVEN COMPREHEND. THE BEAUTY, THE LOVE, THE PEACE, THE CONTENTMENT, AND ALL MANNER OF THINGS AS SUCH, WILL BE YOURS. 41.AND YOU WILL REVEL IN IT, BECAUSE IT WILL BE SO, SO BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU. AND YOU WILL GLOW FROM IT. AND THAT FIRE OF LOVE, THE LIGHT THAT COMES FROM THE FIRE OF LOVE WILL ENGULF EVERYTHING. THAT I DO PROMISE YOU. 42. AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, FOR YOU ARE PROTECTED AND PROVIDED FOR IN MY WORD THROUGH MY PROMISE TO YOU. 43. FOR I DO LOVE EVERYONE. I LOVE EVERYTHING. I CREATED EVERYTHING. AND THEREFORE I DO NOT WANT TO DESTROY EVERYTHING. 44.FOR MY LOVE IS THERE, AND DOES PROTECT YOU. AND I AM THERE WITH YOU. 45.AND I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU AND FIGHT FOR YOU AND FIGHT FOR YOU. 46.AND THE ONE-THAT-IS-NOT KNOW'S THIS FOR HE IS SHUDDERING ALL OVER NOW. AND HE IS TRYING EVERY SINGLE THING HE CAN TO GET EVERYONE HE CAN BEFORE THEY FIND THE LOVE FOR ME. 47.BUT THEY ARE FINDING IT HERE AND THERE, AND OVER THERE AND AROUND THERE, AND THROUGH THERE. SOME ARE COMING. SOME ARE LISTENING. AND MANY ARE BELIEVING. 48.AND THE WORD THAT YOU ARE GIVING IS WHAT IS DOING THAT. SO I AM HAPPY WITH YOU. MY BLESSINGS ARE UPON YOU. FEEL THEM. 49.LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF. AND YOU WILL FEEL WHAT I SAY. FOR I DO LOVE YOU. 50.I CARE FOR YOU, AND I ENGULF YOU IN MY LOVE. Jesus 51.My Father is very happy For He can be happy like you. He can be sad like you. He can be angry like you. And He can fight like you. For He fights the one-that-is-not constantly. 52.He is happy with all that you are doing. He knows you are trying. He knows you will prevail in all things. He knows you are doing the things that He has sent there for you to do. 53.And He knows the ones that if they look inside that are with you, will feel that love that He has promised, and that peace and that contentment. And He knows it makes no difference to them what the one-that-is-not says, they can cast him out. 54.And He will be there with them to cast him out. All they have is ask. Ask in My Name, through the Father, and He will cast him out. 55.For He now does ENJOY THE fight with the one-that-is-not. For He knows that He is saving His people in casting him out. 56.He does not like the constant fight with him over you, when you do nothing yourself. 57.And to fight and fight and fight and see nothing, nothing, nothing, see you not coming to Him, see you not changing your way, see you taking His energy time after time and then you become harder and harder and harder, in your total out of order state and in your negativeness, He gets to the point that He does not want to fight for you anymore. 58.He gets tired. He gets tired. He gets frustrated. 59.But when He sees you doing good in His name, and sees all manner of things as such and sees His people doing, His children doing the good that He has asked, maybe not a lot, maybe just a few, maybe just one, but it is SOMETHING. And therefore, He will fight all the harder for you. 60.And He does then enjoy all of this for it means you are coming to Him and He will protect you. 61.And He enjoys protecting you for this is His Love. And He will constantly fight him for you then in enjoyment, because His Love will surround you. It is there for you. 62.And such there are many things coming, many, many things coming. And Like He says He has not said numbers. He has not said amounts. All He has said is man must come to Him or be destroyed. 63.If no man comes to Him, all will be destroyed. It is your choice. 64.You have this choice. You can do it. 65.But as He says, He is happy with you. For you are in turn healing that limb. And therefore, it will not have to be cut off. It will not have to be destroyed, as it is, as of now. For you are seeking the truth. 66.You are giving the Word. You are telling it as it is. And people are listening . You do not understand and you do not realize how many are listening. For you think none are hearing. You think everything is just not doing much at all. 67.But people are hearing. People are listening. Some are not. Some don't know what to think of it. But some are hearing, and that is what you must do. 68.For that one will tell another and tell another and tell another, and finally, the multitude will hear! That is the way it is. 69. You are taking the Word that I have given. You are telling. Keep doing what you are doing. 70. And anytime that you get tired, anytime you get frustrated, anytime you get sad, call for Me and My Father through Me, and We will be with you, and you will receive all of the strength, all of the power, all of the love, and the blessings that you need to carry on for your strength will be renewed. 71. And it will be renewed constantly. Every time you need it, call to Us. And We will help you. 72. And We will cast out the one-that-is-not for he cannot endure around you, and in what you are doing and the Word that you are spreading, he cannot exist. Therefore, he is going to be fighting all the time. 73. But as the Father said when He comes in this manner to cast him out, knowing the love that you have, His vigor, His energy, His love for you has so much power that comes from the love that you are giving Him that He is Happy to kick the one-that-is-not out. He is happy to kick him all over. He is happy to destroy him. For he cannot exist with you! 74. And the love that He gives shows this. 75. I am the Son. 76. I am the One that sits between the Father and you. 77. I am the One that you come through to Father. 78. I am the One who took all of your sins into Me. And I, in turn, asked the Father for all the forgiveness for everyone, and it was granted through Me. That is why I sit in-between now. 79. For I am the One you come to, to take all of your sins into Me and into Me. I ask the Father for your forgiveness, for the forgiveness for your sins and this is granted through me for that is my position. 80. And My position is to take My Father’s Word and do My work with you for My Father. 81. I come to you. I work through you. I spread His Word. I do all manner of things for Him. And this is what I do. 82. I help cast the one-that-is-not out. I help you when you call and need the fire. And when you are in bad spirits and need help, I come. 83. For the Father grants Me all this, and even more. And that is why I sit in-between. 84. I am the One that takes all that you do into Me and asks the Father for the Forgiveness for I am the One that (has) taken all your sins and cleansed you. 85. All this has been through the Father. All the things have been done through the Father, and all the words are from the Father, and I spread the Word of the Father. 86. For the Word of the Father is the Power, is the energy, is the fire in all of you. The Spirit is there, but the spirit is caused from Him though his Words, through the things that he manifests Himself. 87. I have been called many, many things. For I have been with you many, many, many times, as many, many, many different ones to help My Father, to spread His Word, to bring men to the path that they need to be. 88. I have been there with you. I am there with you always! 89. And I will continue to be there with you for when the time comes that all is new, and all will be made anew, and you will be made anew, I will be there. 90. For when you look into the sky, you will see me. You will see Me all the time for I will be in your Heaven constantly, looking down on you, and helping in all manner of ways. 91. And you will see Me all the time for I will be there. For the Heavens are My Kingdom. They are with My Father. And We are a Spiritual Being that can take physical form. And that is Our Kingdom up there And you will see Me there. All the time you will see Me every time you look. 92. For when it all is new and all in order, you will be able to see the Kingdoms in Heavens. You will be able to see the things on Earth. A nd you will be able to see the things in the stars. 93. And you will be able to see Me there with you. For I will be there with you, for I will be there with you all the time, NOT, not in a Kingdom or a mansion or a palace, or a throne on Earth, but I will be in the Heavens above you, with you all of the time. 94. For the Heavens is where My Kingdom is, NOT the Earth! 95. My Kingdom is with My Father in Heaven. That is where it IS, not with you on Earth. That is YOUR Kingdom, and will be the Kingdom of Man when all things are made anew. 96. For your Kingdom will be as the Father's Kingdom then. All will be the Kingdom of God. That is where one can be different than the other, but all be the same. 97.For you are the Temple of God. 98.You will be with God, and all will be God, and that is the way it will be! All will be in order and in harmony. And all will be known to all. 99.You will see all, know all, and be all. And this is the way it will be for all who come to the Father, through Me, in the Light, and are provided for, are protected, who live forever and ever and ever. This is the way it is. 100.So you can come down the right road and have all of the blessings that there are, or you can be destroyed. For there will be a lot that will be destroyed. And this is the way it will be. 101.For My Father said, "You are healing the limb.” And when the limbs heals, many will be saved. This is the way it will be. 102.But, again, I say, I have been called many things. Many things have been attributed to Me, both bad and good. 103.And you know in your heart that the bad is not there for I do everything in love, and in good. But many have said bad things about Me. Many will continue to say bad things about Me. 104.But this is not the way it is, and you know, so I do not have to defend myself to you or anyone. 105.For I am the Son. 106.And I give the Word, and that is what you know. So I do not defend myself to ANYONE, be it king, be it ruler, be it tyrant. DO NOT DEFEND MYSELF. 107. I say the Word. I say how it is with the love that I have, and that is the way it is. 108.And NO ONE baits the Father. NO ONE challenges the Father. 109.NO ONE, in turn, debates the Father, for He will not, I say, He will not do that! ! ! 110.For if He stayed, and if He debated, and if you baited and baited Him and made Him angry and angrier and angrier, you would not like to see His anger. For He can anger as you. And you would NOT like to see it or feel it. That is why He leaves. He would rather leave and leave with love that He has, than become totally angry with you for He does not want this. 111. He is all things, with no limitations, no limitations of any kind. He does love you. 112.But He can also get angry with you. He can also be sad. He can also be irritated. He can be all manner of things, just as you. For REMEMBER, you are made in Him. He has made you in Him, and everything He has, you have. 113.So don't put any limitations on Him! For that is the way it is. 114.My God's Word has been called many things. The Word of My Father who is God, who has made everything, who is everything, has been called many things, has been changed many times, and many things have been done with it, time after time after time. 115.So, now in today, your time of today, it is different than it was from when it was first sent. 116.And many things have fell away that you don't understand for your times have changed. All manner of things have changed. You've changed all manners of things so things have changed. 117.And again, I say to you, look inside yourself for the truth!! Look inside yourself for these answers, for all manner of things have changed; changed with Him and changed with you and changed with all. 118.And therefore, you have to seek the answers in you. THEY ARE THERE! They are inside of you! And it will be answered in you. 119.For the names of things that are called by you now, and the things that were called the names have different types of meanings to you now so when you hear something, and it seems right, look inside. 120.And if the feeling is right, you know that it is right. 121.All manner of things will be known to you in this Light. For the Light is inside of you. The answers are inside of you. I am inside of you. And the Father is inside of you. 122.And when you read things and when you look at things, look inside of you for the truth in all things. It is there in you. 123.It is there in your conscience. It is in the inside. It is the fire. 124.For the truth is the Word of My Father, is the fire in all things. It is the fire in you that keeps you going, is the Word of the Father. 125.All words of the Father are the thoughts of the Father and YOU are the thought of the Father and the words of the Father. And this is how it is. 126. There are many, many spirits on Earth. And there is the Everlasting Spirit whom My Father sent to Earth to be with you always. 127.And you do not understand that I, My Father, and the Everlasting Spirit, We are the Three that are One. 128.We are together in all things. We are the bonding of the three, that make the One. Our purpose is the same. 129.We do all the things the same, because Our purpose is LOVE! And that is what it is. 130.And the Spirit that We speak about, It goes to all man and as you say, the Spirit travels all over the Earth and It is everywhere in all things. 131.And I am everywhere and all things. 132.And the Father is everywhere and all things. 133.And We are there to help you. We have the same purpose. And the purpose is for you to be with Us, in Us, with the love that We have for you, and the love that We have given you, and the love that you give Us in return! 134.For that is the power of all things. That is the positive energy of all things. 135.And again, you must understand that this being is doing good. The Spirit, Myself, My Father live through you, through the Word. 136.This is how We endure in you, in this flame of Love, through your love and your BELIEF in the Words that have come to you, and the things that you know. This is how we are. 137.And truly, there is only for you, in what you think and what you do. One Father and there is His Son, and there is the Everlasting Spirit. 138.But for my Father, there is my Father and then my Father’s Father, and My Father’s Father’s Father which in turn goes on and on, and things go on and on that you can not even comprehend for this is the way it is in all things. 139.There are many things in many the Heavens, Heavens, Heavens. 140.There are many other things that may look alike, seem alike, but everything is unique unto themselves. 141.As I have said before many things you do not know that you will not know until the time comes for to you to know. 142.But you are unique in your own right but do not feel that just because you are unique in your own right, that are not others that are unique in their own right. 143.This is a fallacy of man. For man believes that nothing can be except for what he does and what he sees and what he touches, and all of this manner of things. 144.But I say to you, there are wonders and wonders and wonders to behold that you can not behold in the state that you are at for you would not comprehend. You would destroy. You would do all manner of things and you will not be allowed to do this. 145.For in your out of order state, you will never be able to see these wonders upon wonders upon wonders upon wonders, only when all things come to order and you know all things will, you see all things, be all things, then you will know. For it is there for you. 146.And I come all the time. I give different messages and I will continue to come. 147.For the Word is to be spread. 148.The words that you call many things as I say have changed and changed and changed all though time. Many things have been called many things and again I say to you, look inside yourself for that answer for you will know when that answer is correct FOR YOU NOW. 149.That answer may have been different many, many years ago. But NOW it is different and now it is the SAME as it was then, but it is SAID differently. Things are done differently. And you have to look inside yourself for the truth in what is said. And that is what you must do. 150.For you must decide all things yourself! 151.For the Everlasting Spirit is the Word of God, is the Spirit in God that constantly goes around your world, is constantly everywhere in everything. It is the Everlasting Spirit, but is also God. God created it. God is It. 152.God created Me. God is Me. 153.The Spirit is God. I am God for God created Us all, and We are all Him. 154.You are Him. Everything is Him. 155.He created ALL. And that is the way it is 156.In His Love, everything will be, everything is and everything shall be forever and ever and ever, for his love is ultimate. does not change. 157.And in His sorrow, He can destroy, in grief and do this. For He is Love and it HURTS, but He can do it, for He can do all! 158.YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS. 159.But we do love you. My Father loves you, all of you, that are with Us, in Us, around Us, and with you. We love you all! END OF PROPHECY 6-21-8 |