5-23-87(automatic writing)
Great Day, No One Will Be Left Out vs 2
New Crossroads vs 6
Death Is An Illusion vs 7
Baptism vs 11
Stay In The Light vs 12
1.Want not for all things are YOURS.
For you have all things.
You have what you need.
2.This is a great day coming
No one will be left out.
3.THEY will know, but not believe
4.All things now are of naught
You can not take them with you.
5.The days are numbered, and only a few will survive the Light. The
Light will blind all.
Only a few will believe and come out of it. They will be anew. They
will not die. They will survive.
6.We are at a new cross roads.
Will we live or DIE?
7.Death is an illusion to man.
We must move on, but NOW is the end.
8.Man will die or He CAN live FOREVER.
9..But he has yet to overcome DEATH
10. He is as a straw blowing back and forth in the wind, not knowing
which way to turn, where to go.
11.He sees, but he sees, not.
He believes, but he believes not.
He lives and he not lives.
he is here but he is not here.
12.There has been discussion of baptism.
Q. Is Eagle Island a good place to have a baptism?
A: Check it out, many have died there.
Q:What time would be best?
A: Any time, but not at night.
Q:But it’s a public place. Is it okay if other see?
A:Let everyone see you. No. Let them see you.
Q: Will you help me speak of this as I share1
A: I am there.
Some will want to come in, others will go away, let them in.
Yet I am everywhere.
Call for everything in my name.
You will know I am there.
All there will know the truth.
They will get the same feeling as you.
They will believe.